Correct the source and include file names in the Visual Studio project file

Issue #213 resolved
RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner created an issue

The source and include file names in Visual Studio do not match those on disk (from GIT) due to differing uses of lower case and upper case (ChangeLog.txt vs Changelog.txt, BASE.CPP vs Base.cpp).

Where this becomes a problem is that Visual Studio renames the files on disk to match it's incorrect casing, and then a long term GIT bug becomes obvious to the programmer. GIT on Windows will not recognise that 'git add ChangeLog.txt' (filled in by tab completion) refers to what it knows as 'Changelog.txt'. And so on.

It's surprising this long term bug in GIT hasn't been fixed.

Comments (1)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    Correct casing in VS2013 project files for source and include files, this prevents VS2013 from correcting the underlying file naming on disk from what it is in GIT. And when you give GIT a file name in a different case than what it has, then it refuses to recognise it and just fails silently as if it succeeded. A tediously inconvenient bug in GIT that's been around for years. Fixes #213

    → <<cset 7c9077e16fe8>>

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