Incursion should compile libtcod with libtcods new Visual Studio solution/projects

Issue #246 closed
RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner created an issue

At the time of writing, Incursion has a custom makefile for libtcod. It compiles SDL2 for libtcod, then compiles libtcod against SDL2 using the makefile. Now that libtcod has a Visual Studio solution and project files, Incursion should no longer compile SDL2 or have a custom makefile to compile libtcod.

The end result of this, will be Win32 and x64 dependencies (as libtcod can now be compiled for both targets). And Incursion will be ready to follow with it's own Win32 and x64 targets as a separate task.

Comments (3)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    Close #246 with new build.bat functionality. It now supports 'build-project'/'-bp' which replaces the old never implemented 'project'/'-p'. And it also supports user functions, which are dynamically handled along with the standard ones, and it's used for 'compile-scripts'/'-cs' which can of course be used to compile 'Incursion.mod'.

    → <<cset e39fd053d03d>>

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