Stairs always warn about unsafe terrain

Issue #250 new
cadmal created an issue

The fix for Issue #171 added a warning/confirmation message about stairs leading down to unsafe terrain. However, the warning appears even when the terrain is safe, resulting in a warning message such as "This stair leads to Floor. Confirm unsafe action?" for down staircases that lead to a normal floor tile. Presumably this was unintentional.

Comments (1)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner

    Yes, it was unintentional. It's been so long I don't recall the details.

    I wonder if this line was commented out for test purposes and was never uncommented:

    //if ((TTER(new_m->PTerrainAt(nx,ny,e.EActor))->PEvent(EV_MON_CONSIDER,e.EActor,new_m->TerrainAt(nx,ny)) == ABORT))

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