Switch to UTF-8 for Strings

Issue #12 resolved
Rob Eden repo owner created an issue

String encoding currently uses UTF-16 and should be replaced with UTF-8. Obviously, backwards compatibility will need to be handled.

Comments (2)

  1. Rob Eden reporter

    Switch to UTF-8 for string encoding, remove ResourceKey usage.

    The persistent name in Invoke message is now encoded with UTF-8 rather than UTF-16 (proto >= 3).

    The "reason" fields in ChannelInitResponse and SessionClose are now encoded with UTF-8 strings rather than serialized ResourceKeys (proto >= 3).

    No exceptions now extend Localized(Runtime)Exception. The common-locale library is no longer used except for compatibility with protocol versions <3 and so have been changed to an optional dependency.

    Fixes: #12 Relates to: #16

    → <<cset 785d39df51d6>>

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