Realtime plot by the correct usage of signals and slots and plotting every N frames

Issue #6 resolved
Victor Christian Paredes Cauna created an issue

Previous "realtime" plot wasn't working due to long execution times delaying the whole process of reading. A solution of this problem could be achieved by using a signal everytime we stored the data, so this process ends quickly. The signal activates a slot that plots the data every N frames. Where N is the appropriate number of frames that we need to accumulate in order to get realtime plots.

Comments (1)

  1. Victor Christian Paredes Cauna reporter

    plotting and saving data every N frames are received and also using the signal slot mechanism allows qt to retrieve data in realtime (close to 0% error, see log). This commit resolves #6 and closes #7

    → <<cset b9bc1cad43c0>>

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