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RtsPlayMakerActions / Action / CreateTileSystem

Create Tile System

Creates game object for tile system and initialises its tile system component.

Refer to Tile Systems section of user guide for further information regarding tile systems.

This action replicates functionality of TileSystem.CreateSystem.

Screenshot of action user interface.


When using this action it is usually useful to define an "Object" variable of type Rotorz.Tile.TileSystem to store a reference to the newly created tile system. This variable can then be used later to interact with the tile system.

Input Variables

Name (Optional) : string
Name for new tile system. Defaults to a value of "Untitled Tile System" if left empty.
Tile Size : Vector3
Zero-based index of chunk row.
Row Count : int
Number of rows in tile system.
Column Count : int
Number of columns in tile system.
Chunk Width : int
Number of columns of tiles in a chunk.
Chunk Height : int
Number of rows of tiles in a chunk.

Output Variables

Game Object (Optional) : GameObject
Root game object of newly created tile system.
Tile System Component (Optional) : Rotorz.Tile.TileSystem
Primary component of newly created tile system.
