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RtsPlayMakerActions / Action / TileIndexInBounds

Tile Index In Bounds

Determines whether row and column index are within bounds of tile system grid.

This action replicates functionality of TileSystem.InBounds.

Screenshot of action user interface.

Input Variables

Tile System Component : Rotorz.Tile.TileSystem
Tile system of which to edit.
Row Index : int
Zero-based row of tile to paint.
Column Index : int
Zero-based column of tile to paint.
Every Frame : bool
Indicates if action should be repeated for every frame.


True Event (Optional)
Occurs when the specified tile index is within bounds of tile system.
False Event (Optional)
Occurs when the specified tile index is outside bounds of tile system.

Output Variables

Store Result (Optional) : bool
Specify variable to store outcome of test.
