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ramses / Amr

This sets of parameters, contained in the namelist block &AMR_PARAMS, controls the AMR grid global properties. Parameters specifying the refinement strategy are described elsewhere, and the corresponding namelist block &REFINE_PARAMS is used only if levelmax>levelmin.

Variable name, syntax, default value Fortran type Description
levelmin=1 integer Minimum level of refinement. This parameter sets the size of the coarse (or base) grid to nx=2**levelmin.
levelmax=1 integer Maximum level of refinement. If levelmax=levelmin, the simulation will be executed on a standad Cartesian grid of linear size nx=2**levelmin
ngridmax=1 integer Maximum number of grids (or octs) that can be allocated during the run within each MPI process.
ngridtot=1 integer Maximum number of grids (or octs) that can be allocated during the run for the entire set of MPI processes. One has ngridmax=ngridtot/ncpu.
npartmax=1 integer Maximum number of particles of all types that can be allocated during the run within each MPI process.
nparttot=1 integer Maximum number of particles of all types that can be allocated during the run for the entire set of MPI processes. One has npartmax=nparttot/ncpu.
nsinkmax=1 integer Maximum number of sink particles during the run. Sink particles are duplicated over all MPI processes.
nexpand=1 integer Number of times the mesh expansion is applied to the refinement map (see mesh smoothing).
boxlen=1.0 real Box size in user's units
nlevel_collapse=3 integer Number of levels above levelmin to follow initial halos collapse with a constant comoving resolution (cosmo=.true. only)
