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ramses / Global

2.1 Global parameters

This block, called &RUN_PARAMS, contains the run global control parameters. These parameters are now briefly described. More thorough explanations will be given in dedicated sections of the wiki.

Variable name, syntax, default value Fortran type Description
cosmo=.false. logical Activate cosmological supercomoving cooordinates and computes the expansion factor
pic=.false. logical Activate Particle-In-Cell solver
sink=.false. logical Activate sink particles
clumpfind=.false. logical Activate the clump finder
tracer=.false. logical Use Monte Carlo tracer particles
unbind=.false. logical Activate the particle unbinding for clumps
make_mergertree=.false. logical Make merger trees
poisson=.false. logical Activate Poisson solver for self-gravity
hydro=.false. logical Activate hydro or MHD solver.
rt=.false. logical Activate radiative transfer using CPU-based M1 solver. This solver works on the AMR grid.
aton=.false. logical Activate radiative transfer using GPU-based M1 solver. This solver works only on unigrid at levelmin.
verbose=.false. logical Activate verbose mode.
cost_weighting=.true. logical Load balancing based on computational cost, not memory. This is rather expensive in term of memory usage. For memory limited runs, using cost_weighting=.false. is better.
nrestart=0 integer Output file number from which the code loads backup data and resumes the simulation, The default value, zero, is for a fresh start from the beginning (time=0).
nrestart_quad=0 integer Restart with double precision Hilbert keys. Must be equal to nrestart. Default value is 0.
nstepmax=1000000 integer Maximum number of coarse time step. This can be used to terminate the simulation after a fixed amount of main steps.
ncontrol=1 integer Frequency of screen output for control lines (to stdout), usually redirected into a log file.
nremap=0 integer Frequency of call, in units of coarse time steps, for the load balancing routine, for MPI runs only. The default value, zero, means never. Load balancing is a slow operation, so use as high a value as possible.
ordering="hilbert" character(len=128) Cell ordering method used in the domain decomposition of the grid, for MPI runs only. Possible values are hilbert, planar and angular.
nsubcycle=2,2,2,2,2,2, integer array Number of fine level sub-cycling steps within one coarser level time step. Each value in the array corresponds to a given level of refinement, starting from the coarse grid at levelmin up to the finest level at levelmax. nsubcycle(1)=1 means that levelmin and levelmin+1 are synchronized. To enforce single time stepping across the whole AMR hierarchy, you need to set nsubcycle=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
static=.false. logical Activate full static mode (RT post processing)
static_dm=.false. logical Activate static mode for DM particles only (isolated initial conditions relaxation)
static_stars=.false. logical Activate static mode for star particles only (isolated initial conditions relaxation)
remap_pscalar=ndim+3,ndim+4,...,nvar integer array Mapping for the passive scalars and non-thermal pressures. Value indicates in which variable the scalar from the restart should be loaded. [0 = ignore this scalar in the restart output, -N = do not read but initialise ivar=N to 0, N = read and initialise ivar=N from the restart output]. For example remap_pscalar=-6,0,7,8,9 translates to: do not read first restart var but initialise ivar=6 to 0, skip second restart var, read ivar=[8,9,10] from the restart snapshot and store it in the current ivar=[7,8,9].
