
Clone wiki

ramses / Init

This sets of parameters, contained in the namelist block &INIT_PARAMS. This is used to set up the initial conditions.

Variable name, syntax, default value Fortran type Description
nregion=1 integer Number of independent regions in the computational box used to set up initial flow variables.
region_type=square 10*char Geometry defining each region. square defines a generalized ellipsoidal shape, while point defines a delta function in the flow.
x_center=0.0 real arrays X coordinate of the center of each region.
y_center=0.0 real arrays Y coordinate of the center of each region.
z_center=0.0 real arrays Z coordinate of the center of each region.
length_x=0.0 real arrays Size in X direction of each region.
length_y=0.0 real arrays Size in Y direction of each region.
length_z=0.0 real arrays Size in Z direction of each region.
exp_region=2.0 real arrays Exponent defining the norm used to compute distances for the generalized ellipsoid. exp_region=2 corresponds to a spheroid, exp_region=1 to a diamond shape, exp_region>=10 to a perfect square.
d_region=0.0 real arrays Density. For point regions this is used to define mass.
u_region=0.0 real arrays X velocity. For point regions this is used to define velocity.
v_region=0.0 real arrays Y velocity. For point regions this is used to define velocity.
w_region=0.0 real arrays Z velocity. For point regions this is used to define velocity.
p_region=0.0 real arrays Pressure. For point regions this is used to define specific pressure.
filetype=ascii 20*char Type of initial conditions file for particles. Possible choices are ascii or grafic.
aexp_ini=10.0 real This parameter sets the starting expansion factor for cosmology runs only. Default value is read in the IC file.
multiple=.false. logical If .true., each processors reads its own IC file. For parallel runs only.
initfile= 80*char Directory where IC files are stored.

