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ramses / PHEW

Clumpfinder (PHEW)

The block named &CLUMPFIND_PARAMS contains the parameters related to the built-in RAMSES clump finder (PHEW). The parameters are described only briefly, for more backround information read the PHEW paper.

Variable name, syntax, default value Fortran type Description
ivar_clump=1 integer Control which density field is used for clump finding (1: gas density, 0: particle density)
density_threshold=-1.d0 float Density threshold for the clump finder (code units)
rho_clfind=-1.d0 float Density threshold for the clump finder (g/cc). Not recommended - use density_threshold instead.
n_clfind=-1.d0 float Density threshold for the clump finder (H/cc). Not recommended -use density_threshold instead.
relevance_threshold=2.d0 float Relevance (peak-to-saddle ratio) threshold for a clump to be considered real (instead of noise).
saddle_threshold=-1.d0 float Saddle density threshold for sub-structure merging (code units). A negative value turns sub-structure merging off (PHEW will only merge noise).
mass_threshold=0.d0 float When set to a value > 0, the properties of those clumps/haloes with mass > mass_threshold * particle_mass are written to disk. particle_mass is the smallest strictly positive particle mass in the simulation. Setting this parameter does NOT affect the merging of noise/clumps.
age_cut_clfind=0.d0 float When set to a value > 0, only the stars with an age lower than age_cut_clfind are used by the clump finder. Stellar and DM particles are used otherwise.
