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ramses / Physics

In the version of RAMSES after RUM 2017 (PR #284 and after), new blocks were introduced instead of one large &PHYSICS_PARAMS:

Cooling parameters

The block named &COOLING_PARAMS contains the parameters related to cooling / basic chemistry

Variable name Fortran type Default value Description
cooling boolean .false. Enable gas atomic & metal cooling
metal logical .false. Enable metals advection (requires 1 hydro variable)
isothermal logical .false. (deprecated) Enable equation of state for gas (heating and cooling disabled if .true.)
barotropic_eos logical .false. Enable barotropic equation of state for gas (heating and cooling disabled if .true.). Replaced 'isothermal'
barotropic_eos_form string legacy Type of barotropic EOS. Options: isothermal, polytrope, double_polytrope, custom, legacy
polytrope_rho real 1.0d50 sets rho0 in EOS (density normalisation or knee-density), in g/cm3
polytrope_index real 1.0d0 sets gamma in EOS (polytropic index)
T_eos real 10 sets T0 in EOS (isothermal temperature or temperature normalisation), in K
mu_gas real 1d0 molecular weight
haardt_madau logical .false. Enable UV background
J21 real 0.0 UV flux at threshold in 10^21 units
a_spec real 1.0 Slope of the UV spectrum
self_shielding logical .false. Enable self-shielding for densities above 0.01^-3
z_ave real 0.0 Initial average metal abundance
z_reion real 8.5 Reionization redshift (UV background disabled for higher redshifts)
ind_rsink real 4.0 Number of cells defining the radius of the sphere where AGN feedback is active
T2max real HUGE Temperature ceiling for gas heating (heating ceiling if isothermal=.false.)
neq_chem logical .false. Enable non-equilibrium chemistry

Star formation parameters

The block named &SF_PARAMS contains the parameters related to star formation

Variable name Fortran type Default value Description
m_star real -1.0 Star particle mass in units of mass_sph
n_star real 0.1 Star formation density threshold in H/cc
T2_star real 0.0 Typical ISM polytropic temperature (cooling floor if isothermal=.false.)
g_star real 1.6 Typical ISM polytropic index (cooling floor if isothermal=.false.)
del_star real 2D2 Star formation density threshold in critical density (cosmo=.true. only)
eps_star real 0.0 Star formation efficiency
jeans_ncells real -1.0 Jeans polytropic equation of state (cooling floor if isothermal=.false.)
sf_virial logical .false. Enable turbulent star formation prescriptions (requires 1 hydro variable)
sf_trelax real 0.0 Relaxation time for star formation (cosmo=.false. only)
sf_tdiss real 0.0 Dissipation timescale for subgrid turbulence in units of turbulent crossing time (sf_virial=.true. only)
sf_model integer 3 Turbulent star formation model (sf_virial=.true. only)
sf_log_properties logical .false. Output gas properties of cells undergoing a star particle birth or supernova event
sf_compressive logical .false. Store and advect the compressive and solenoidal turbulent field in two different hydro variables (sf_virial=.true. only)

Feedback parameters

The block named &FEEDBACK_PARAMS contains the parameters related to cooling / basic chemistry

Variable name Fortran type Default value Description
eta_sn real 0.0 Supernova mass fraction
eta_ssn real 0.95 Single supernova ejected mass fraction (sf_imf=.true. only)
t_sne real 10.0 Supernova blast time in Myr
delayed_cooling logical .false. Enable delayed cooling through passive energy scalar advection (requires 1 hydro variable)
t_diss real 20.0 Dissipation timescale for supernova feedback in Myr (delayed_cooling=.true. only)
yield real 0.0 Supernova metal yield
mass_gmc real 0.0 Stochastic exploding GMC mass in solar mass
kappa_IR real 0.0 IR dust opacity for supernova feedback
f_ek real 0.0 Supernova kinetic energy fraction (only between 0 and 1)
f_w real 0.0 Supernova mass loading factor (f_ek>0 only)
rbubble real 0.0 Supernova superbubble radius in pc (f_ek>0 only)
ndebris integer 1 Supernova debris particle number (f_ek>0 only)
mass_star_max real 120.0 Maximum mass of a star to undergo a supernova with eta_ssn efficiency in solar mass (sf_imf=.true. only)
mass_sne_min real 10.0 Minimum mass of a star to undergo a supernova blast in solar mass (sf_imf=.true. only)
ir_feedback logical .false. Enable IR feedback from accreting sink particles
ir_eff real 0.75 Efficiency of the IR feedback on sink particles (ir_feedback=.true.only)

Units parameters

The block named &UNITS_PARAMS contains the parameters related to units that are set "by hand" (cosmo=.false. only!).

Variable name Fortran type Default value Description
units_density real 1.0 Density unit in cgs (only for cosmo=.false., requires G=1)
units_time real 1.0 Time unit in cgs (only for cosmo=.false., requires G=1)
units_length real 1.0 Length unit in cgs (only for cosmo=.false., requires G=1)

GRACKLE parameters

Additionally, if the code has been compiled with GRACKLE=1 in the Makefile and properly linked against the hdf5 and grackle libraries, it is possible to define a &GRACKLE_PARAMS block to control the grackle parameters. Please visit for a more extensive description of the grackle parameters.

Variable name Fortran type Default value Description
use_grackle integer 1 Activate Grackle
grackle_with_radiative_cooling integer 1 Include radiative cooling
grackle_primordial_chemistry integer 0 Primordial chemistry flag
grackle_metal_cooling integer 0 Enable metal cooling using Cloudy tables
grackle_UVbackground integer 0 Enable UV background
grackle_cmb_temperature_floor integer 1 Enable effective CMB temperature floor
grackle_h2_on_dust integer 0 Enable H2 formation on dust grains
grackle_photoelectric_heating integer 0 Enable a spatially uniform heating term approximating photo-electric heating
grackle_use_volumetric_heating_rate integer 0 Signal that an array of volumetric heating rates is being provided
grackle_use_specific_heating_rate integer 0 Signal that an array of specific heating rates is being provided
grackle_three_body_rate integer 0 Flag to control which three-body H2 formation rate is used
grackle_cie_cooling integer 0 Enable H2 collision-induced emission cooling
grackle_h2_optical_depth_approximation integer 0 Enable H2 cooling attenuation
grackle_ih2co integer 1
grackle_ipiht integer 1
grackle_NumberOfTemperatureBins integer 600
grackle_CaseBRecombination integer 0
grackle_Compton_xray_heating integer 0 Flag to enable Compton heating from an X-ray background
grackle_LWbackground_sawtooth_suppression integer 0 Flag to enable suppression of Lyman-Werner flux due to Lyman-series absorption
grackle_NumberOfDustTemperatureBins integer 250
grackle_use_radiative_transfer integer 0 Signal that arrays of ionization and heating rates from radiative transfer solutions are being provided
grackle_radiative_transfer_coupled_rate_solver integer 0 Flag that must be enabled to couple the passed radiative transfer fields to the chemistry solver
grackle_radiative_transfer_intermediate_step integer 0 Flag to enable intermediate stepping in applying radiative transfer fields to chemistry solver
grackle_radiative_transfer_hydrogen_only integer 0 Flag to only use hydrogen ionization and heating rates from the radiative transfer solutions
grackle_self_shielding_method integer 0 Switch to enable approximate self-shielding from the UV background
grackle_Gamma real 5./3. The ratio of specific heats for an ideal gas
grackle_photoelectric_heating_rate real 8.5D-26 The heating rate in units of erg cm-3 s-1
grackle_HydrogenFractionByMass real 0.76
grackle_DeuteriumToHydrogenRatio real 2.0*3.4e-5
grackle_SolarMetalFractionByMass real 0.01295
grackle_TemperatureStart real 1.0
grackle_TemperatureEnd real 1.0D9
grackle_DustTemperatureStart real 1.0
grackle_DustTemperatureEnd real 1500.
grackle_LWbackground_intensity real 0.0 Intensity of a constant Lyman-Werner H2 photo-dissociating radiation field in units of 10-21 erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1 sr-1
grackle_UVbackground_redshift_on real 7.0
grackle_UVbackground_redshift_off real 0.0
grackle_UVbackground_redshift_fullon real 6.0
grackle_UVbackground_redshift_drop real 0.0
grackle_cloudy_electron_fraction_factor real 9.153959D-3
grackle_data_file character Path to the data file containing the metal cooling and UV background HDF5 tables

Physics parameters (LEGACY ONLY)

The block named &PHYSICS_PARAMS contains the parameters related to physical models.

Variable name Fortran type Default value Description
units_density real 1.0 Density unit in cgs (only for cosmo=.false., requires G=1)
units_time real 1.0 Time unit in cgs (only for cosmo=.false., requires G=1)
units_length real 1.0 Length unit in cgs (only for cosmo=.false., requires G=1)
cooling boolean .false. Enable gas atomic & metal cooling
isothermal logical .false. Enable equation of state for gas (heating and cooling disabled if .true.)
metal logical .false. Enable metals advection (requires 1 hydro variable)
haardt_madau logical .false. Enable UV background
self_shielding logical .false. Enable self-shielding for densities above 0.01^-3
smbh logical .false. Enable super massive black holes for sink particles
agn logical .false. Enable AGN feedback from super massive black holes
neq_chem logical .false. Enable non-equilibrium chemistry
ir_feedback logical .false. Enable IR feedback from accreting sink particles
sf_virial logical .false. Enable turbulent star formation prescriptions (requires 1 hydro variable)
sf_compressive logical .false. Store and advect the compressive and solenoidal turbulent field in two different hydro variables (sf_virial=.true. only)
sf_log_properties logical .false. Output gas properties of cells undergoing a star particle birth or supernova event
delayed_cooling logical .false. Enable delayed cooling through passive energy scalar advection (requires 1 hydro variable)
sf_imf logical .false. Model Initial Mass Function during thermal feedback events
T2_star real 0.0 Typical ISM polytropic temperature (cooling floor if isothermal=.false.)
g_star real 1.6 Typical ISM polytropic index (cooling floor if isothermal=.false.)
jeans_ncells real -1.0 Jeans polytropic equation of state (cooling floor if isothermal=.false.)
T2max real 1D50 Temperature ceiling for gas heating (heating ceiling if isothermal=.false.)
n_star real 0.1 Star formation density threshold in H/cc
m_star real -1.0 Star particle mass in units of mass_sph
del_star real 2D2 Star formation density threshold in critical density (cosmo=.true. only)
eps_star real 0.0 Star formation efficiency
t_star real 0.0 Star formation time scale in Gyr (only used if eps_star>0)
sf_trelax real 0.0 Relaxation time for star formation (cosmo=.false. only)
sf_tdiss real 0.0 Dissipation timescale for subgrid turbulence in units of turbulent crossing time (sf_virial=.true. only)
sf_model integer 3 Turbulent star formation model (sf_virial=.true. only)
eta_sn real 0.0 Supernova mass fraction
eta_ssn real 0.95 Single supernova ejected mass fraction (sf_imf=.true. only)
t_sne real 10.0 Supernova blast time in Myr
t_diss real 20.0 Dissipation timescale for supernova feedback in Myr (delayed_cooling=.true. only)
yield real 0.0 Supernova metal yield
mass_gmc real 0.0 Stochastic exploding GMC mass in solar mass
kappa_IR real 0.0 IR dust opacity for supernova feedback
f_ek real 0.0 Supernova kinetic energy fraction (only between 0 and 1)
f_w real 0.0 Supernova mass loading factor (f_ek>0 only)
rbubble real 0.0 Supernova superbubble radius in pc (f_ek>0 only)
ndebris integer 1 Supernova debris particle number (f_ek>0 only)
mass_star_max real 120.0 Maximum mass of a star to undergo a supernova with eta_ssn efficiency in solar mass (sf_imf=.true. only)
mass_sne_min real 10.0 Minimum mass of a star to undergo a supernova blast in solar mass (sf_imf=.true. only)
J21 real 0.0 UV flux at threshold in 10^21 units
a_spec real 1.0 Slope of the UV spectrum
z_ave real 0.0 Initial average metal abundance
z_reion real 8.5 Reionization redshift (UV background disabled for higher redshifts)
ind_rsink real 4.0 Number of cells defining the radius of the sphere where AGN feedback is active
ir_eff real 0.75 Efficiency of the IR feedback on sink particles (ir_feedback=.true.only)
