# Script mentioned in "how to audit for unused automation rules?"# https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/how-to-audit-for-unused-automation-rules/qaq-p/2803602#M1051601## It will:# * Download your Automation Rules as a JSON file# * Convert those Rules to a CSV with just the metadata for each rule# * Extract Author IDs for creating a lookup file to map ID to Display Name and Email# * Download the last month's usage data and convert it to a CSV file# * Attach the metadata, author mapping, and usage CSV files to a Confluence page# * Update the Confluence page with today's date## Dependencies: curl, jq, Appfire's CLI for Confluence# Re: Authentication# We are using the -n flag for curl, which allows you to store your credentials in a ~/.netrc file# Mine looks like this:# machine SITENAME.atlassian.net login MYEMAIL password MYAPITOKEN## You could also use -u MYEMAIL:MYAPITOKEN instead of -n PAGEID=""# ID of Confluence Page where you will attach CSVs"CLOUDID="YOUR TENANT ID"# https://SITENAME.atlassian.net/_edge/tenant_infoSITENAME="YOUR SITE NAME"# Kick off a rules export and grab the DOWNLOADIDDOWNLOADID="$(curl -n -s --location https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/gateway/api/automation/internal-api/jira/${CLOUDID}/pro/rest/GLOBAL/rule/export \--header 'Content-Type: application/json'\--header 'Cache-Control: no-cache'\| jq -r .id)"# Let's wait a minute for the rules export file to be generated# (The proper thing to do would be to use the "progress" endpoint to see if your download is complete. But... lazy.# https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/gateway/api/automation/internal-api/jira/${CLOUDID}/pro/rest/GLOBAL/rule/export/${DOWNLOADID}/progresssleep 60curl -n -s --location "https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/gateway/api/automation/internal-api/jira/${CLOUDID}/pro/rest/GLOBAL/rule/export/${DOWNLOADID}/download" > automation-rules.json
# Let's make sure the export file isn't empty## [If I was a real programmer, I would use the ${DOWNLOADID}/progress # endpoint to make sure it was done before I try to download it.]if[ -s automation-rules.json ]then# Extract just the name, state, description, dates, and authorIds metadata from the export fileecho'"id","name","state","description","created","updated","authorAccountId"' > automation-rules.csv
jq -r '.rules[]|[.id,.name,.state,.description,.created,.updated,.authorAccountId]|@csv' automation-rules.json >> automation-rules.csv
# Extract just the authorIDs from the export filejq -r '.rules[].authorAccountId' automation-rules.json|sort -u > authorIds.csv
# Generate a mapping file for Author IDs to get names and emailsecho'"id","email","name"' > authormap.csv
for x in `cat authorIds.csv`docurl -n -s "https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/user?accountId=$x"|jq -r '[.accountId,.emailAddress,.displayName]|@csv' >> authormap.csv
done# Attach extract of rules metadata to Confluence Pagecurl -n -s -X PUT "https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/${PAGEID}/child/attachment" -H 'X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck' -F 'file=@"automation-rules.csv"'# Attach author mapping file to Confluence Pagecurl -n -s -X PUT "https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/${PAGEID}/child/attachment" -H 'X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck' -F 'file=@"authormap.csv"'# Don't try to do stuff if the export failed.elseecho"Export of rules failed"fi# Export usage fileecho'"id","executionCount"' > usage.csv
curl -n -s "https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/gateway/api/automation/internal-api/jira/${CLOUDID}/pro/rest/GLOBAL/highestUsages?limit=100"| jq -r '.[]|[.ruleId,.executionCount]|@csv' >> usage.csv
# Attach usage file to Confluence Pagecurl -s -n -X PUT "https://${SITENAME}.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/${PAGEID}/child/attachment" -H 'X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck' -F 'file=@"usage.csv"'# Update the Confluence Page with today's dateacli --action modifyPage --id ${PAGEID} --findReplaceRegex "(Last updated: <time datetime=\").+?(\")#\$1`date -I`\$2" --special " #"
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