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VIT-Projects / org


Org can be setup in many ways

  1. Just use what comes with emacs
  2. Download and install a stable recent org
  3. Use emacs package manager
  4. Stay bleeding edge with git

I am going to describe 2 which is probably the best level to start with.
[I use 4. 3 I dont know much about]

Stable Recent Setup

  1. Check current version of org thus M-x org-version (in emacs)
  2. Download from
  3. Untar it into some place like ~/.emacs.d/downloads
  4. Check that the directory ~/.emacs.d/downloads/org-mode/lisp exists and is populated with .el (Elisp) files
  5. Add these lines to your init.el

    (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/downloads/org-mode/lisp"))

    This should go before other org-related setups like (require 'ox-md)

  6. Close&restart emacs; Check (1 above) that your org version is bumped up
