
Issue #12 resolved
Briehan Lombaard created an issue

There are some items that require a bit of attention to keep things in order:


  • Rename UserForm or RegistrationForm
  • Remove commit parameter from and the if commit (just calling is fine).
  • Rename UserChangeForm to UserForm
  • Change admin to use use UserForm for both adding and updating users
    • changing the form class attribute to UserForm and removing the add_form class attribute as well as the UserChangeForm import should work


  • Create a "proposals" sub directory in the templates directory.
    • move "proposals.html" into proposals sub directory and rename to "add.html"
    • move "edit_proposal.html" and rename to "edit.html"
    • move "proposals_form.html" and rename to "form.html"
  • Create a "emails" sub directory under proposals
    • move "activation_email.html" and rename to "activation.txt"
  • Create a "users" sub directory under the templates directory.
    • move all user-related templates into this new directory which is pretty much everything else except for the base templates and error templates

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