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SAGE2 / Configuration

SAGE2 config

A JSON file to configure the display environment


    host:                            // hostname or ip address of the web server
    name:                            // OPTIONAL: name used in some UI (free string, defaults to hostname above)
    port:                            // HTTP port that all clients, except web ui, are served on (default: 80)
    secure_port:                     // HTTPS port that all clients are served on (default: 443)
    rproxy_port:                     // OPTIONAL: port of the HTTP reverse proxy (only required for reverse proxy setups)
    rproxy_secure_port:              // OPTIONAL: port of the HTTPS reverse proxy (only required for reverse proxy setups)
    url:                             // OPTIONAL: URL shown on display, instead of using hostname (allows for short URL)
    background: {
        color:                       // CSS color for the background (hex, rgba(), etc.)
        image: {                     // OPTIONAL: 
            url:                     // relative path from the 'public' directory to an image used for the background
            style:                   // either "fit", "stretch", or "tile"
        watermark: {                 // OPTIONAL: 
            svg:                     // relative path from the 'public' directory to a monochrome SVG image used for the watermark
            color:                   // CSS color for the watermark (rgba() recommended)
        clip:                        // OPTIONAL: boolean, whether or not to clip the display at the exact resolution (default: true)
    register_site:                   // OPTIONAL: boolean, whether or to register to EVL site (for stats). (default: true)
    ui: {
        clock:                       // 12 or 24 (specifies whether to use a 12 or 24 hour clock)
        show_url:                    // boolean, whether or not to show the host url on the display clients
        show_version:                // boolean, whether or not to show the SAGE2 version number on the display clients
        menubar: {                   // OPTIONAL: 
            backgroundColor:         // OPTIONAL: CSS color for the background of the menubar (default: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)")
            textColor:               // OPTIONAL: CSS color for the text of the menubar (default: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)")
            remoteConnectedColor:    // OPTIONAL: CSS color for remote sites that are connected (default: "rgba(55, 153, 130, 1.0)")
            remoteDisconnectedColor: // OPTIONAL: CSS color for remote sites that are not connected (default: "rgba(173, 42, 42, 1.0)")
        auto_hide_ui:                // OPTIONAL: boolean, whether or not to autohide wall UI decoration (default: false)
        auto_hide_delay:             // OPTIONAL: integer, number of seconds after which to hide the wall UI (default: 30)
        auto_scale_ui:               // OPTIONAL: boolean, whether or not to automatically scale the wall UI based on resolution and screen dimensions (default: false)
        calculate_viewing_distance:  // OPTIONAL: boolean, calculates the optimal viewing_distance for auto_scale_ui (default: false)
        titleBarHeight:              // OPTIONAL: integer, specify window titlebar height in pixels (default: 2.5% of minimum dimension of total wall)
        titleTextSize:               // OPTIONAL: integer, specify text size of ui titles in pixels (default: 1.5% of minimum dimension of total wall)
        pointerSize:                 // OPTIONAL: integer, specify pointer size in pixels (default: 8% of minimum dimension of total wall)
        noDropShadow:                // OPTIONAL: boolean, whether or not to disable drop shadows on wall UI decoration (default: false)
        minWindowWidth:              // OPTIONAL: integer, minimum width for application windows in pixels (default: 8% of minimum dimension of total wall)
        minWindowHeight:             // OPTIONAL: integer, maximum width for application windows in pixels (default: 120% of maximum dimension of total wall)
        maxWindowWidth:              // OPTIONAL: integer, minimum height for application windows in pixels (default: 8% of minimum dimension of total wall)
        maxWindowHeight:             // OPTIONAL: integer, maximum height for application windows in pixels (default: 120% of maximum dimension of total wall)
        startup_sound:               // OPTIONAL: string, filename to a valid sound file played at startup (wav, mp3, ogg, ... depending on your browser).
    resolution: {
        width:                       // width in pixels of a display client (browser window width)
        height:                      // height in pixels of a display client (browser window height)
    dimensions: {
        tile_width:                  // OPTIONAL: width of a single display tile in meters, pixel area
        tile_height:                 // OPTIONAL: height of a single display tile in meters, pixel area
        tile_borders:                // OPTIONAL: mullions in meters, object {left: xxx, right: , top: , bottom: }
        tile_overlap:                // OPTIONAL: overlapping area for edge blending, integer in pixels {horizontal: xxx, vertical: xxx}
        viewing_distance:            // OPTIONAL: preferred or common viewing distance in meters to calculate UI sizes
    layout: {
        rows:                        // number of rows of display clients (browser windows) that make up the display wall
        columns:                     // number of columns of display clients (browser windows) that make up the display wall
    displays: [                      // array of displays
            row:                     // the row where this display tiles in the display wall (row origin starts with zero at left)
            column:                  // the column where this display tiles in the display wall (column origin starts with zero at the top)
        ...                          // list length should equal rows*columns
    alternate_hosts: [               // array of alternate hostnames for machine (i.e. private network IP, localhost, etc.)
    remote_sites: [                  // array of remote SAGE2 sites to be able to share content with
            name:                    // (string) name to be displayed on display wall
            host:                    // (string) specify the remote machine to connect with (in conjunction with port)
            port:                    // (number) specify the remote machine to connect with (in conjunction with host)
            secure:                  // (bool)   specify if the URL is a secure connection or not (https vs http)
            password:                // (string) clear text password to connect to the remote site
            session:                 // (string) MD5 hash of the password for the remote site (alternative to password)
        ...                          // list as many remote sites as desired
    folders: [                      // extra media folders
          name: "another",
          url: "/another",
          path: "/Users/luc/Desktop/another/",
          upload: false
    dependencies: {
        ImageMagick:                 // full path to ImageMagick (use "/" as path delimiter, required for Windows only)
        FFMpeg:                      // full path to FFMpeg (use "/" as path delimiter, required for Windows only)
    experimental: {
        disableHTMLPlayer: false     // Setting to true will prevent HTML mode from activating on the movie_player

Minimal Sample:

    host: "",
    name: "my site",
    port: 80,
    secure_port: 443,
    background: {
        color: "#333333"
    ui: {
        clock: 12,
        show_version: true,
        show_url: true
    resolution: {
        width: 1920,
        height: 1080
    layout: {
        rows: 1,
        columns: 1
    displays: [
            row: 0,
            column: 0
    alternate_hosts: [
    remote_sites: [

Expanded Sample

    host: "",
    name: "My Site",
    port: 80,
    secure_port: 443,
    url: "",
    background: {
        color: "#333333",
        image: {
            url: "images/background/dbgrid.png",
            style: "tile"
        watermark: {
            svg: "images/EVL-LAVA.svg",
            color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"
        clip: true
    register_site: true,
    ui: {
        clock: 12,
        show_version: true,
        show_url: true,
        menubar: { 
            backgroundColor: "rgba(24, 30, 79, 0.5)",
            textColor: "rgba(235, 230, 175, 1.0)",
            remoteConnectedColor: "rgba(96, 171, 224, 1.0)",
            remoteDisconnectedColor: "rgba(100, 100, 100, 1.0)"
        auto_hide_ui: true,
        auto_hide_delay: 15,
        titleBarHeight: 30,
        titleTextSize: 18,
        pointerSize: 90,
        noDropShadow: true,
        minWindowWidth: 35,
        minWindowHeight: 35,
        maxWindowWidth: 1920,
        maxWindowHeight: 1920,
        startup_sound: "images/sage2_jinggle.mp3"
    resolution: {
        width: 1920,
        height: 1080
    layout: {
        rows: 1,
        columns: 1
    displays: [
            row: 0,
            column: 0
    alternate_hosts: [
    remote_sites: [
            name:   "Remote1"
            host:   ""
            port:   443,
            secure: true
            name:   "Remote2"
            host:   ""
            port:   9090,
            secure: true,
            hash:   "f71dbe52628a3f83a77ab494817525c6"
    folders: [                      // extra media folders
          name: "another",
          url: "/another",
          path: "/Users/luc/Desktop/another/",
          upload: false
    dependencies: {
        ImageMagick: "C:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.8.9-Q16/",
        FFMpeg: "C:/local/bin/"

Default ports 80 and 443 are convenient when visiting SAGE2 clients because the port does not have to be explicitly entered (eg. in this sample config a user could simply visit instead of

However, these ports require privileged access. If you do not have the necessary permissions, please choose port numbers larger than 1024 and explicitly specify the chosen port numbers when typing a URL.
