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core_utils / Home


Welcome to the Core Class Utills package wiki. Core class Utils is a utils librabry created in .Net Core with usefull general purpose classes. This is basicaly created for my personal projects (like CoreRepositoryFramework, comming soon). But you are free to use this library in yours owns projects, if you want ;)


Change log


  • Upgrade to .Net 5.0
  • Add new class GenericSplit. This class splits an IEnumerable into chunks
  • Add extension methods to GenericConvertType, GenericDeepCopy, GenericEquals, GenericMapper, GenericSplit and RandomFiller clases
  • GenericDeepCopy implicit type: Now you can use "var classB = GenericDeepCopy.DeepCopy(classA);"
  • GenericEquals implicit type: Now you can use "var result = GenericEquals.Equals(testClass, testClass2);"
  • GenericEquals methods name has changed: Equals -> DeepEquals, EqualsWithErrors -> DeepEqualsWithErrors


  • Add Class GenericDeepCopy to copy the values of two objects (copy the values, not the pointer to subojects)
  • Modify GenericEquals class to increase performance
  • Bug correction in GenericMapper when copy fields (no properties)
  • Add description method in GenericMapper


  • Random Filler now is a Generic class and you can set minvale and maxvalue to Date and DateTime types
  • bug fixes.
