
Clone wiki

scl-manips-group / docu / additional_controllers

Creating your custom controller(s)

  • You may implement additional what we call "tasks" for your controller. A task may range from controlling one hand to controlling all the joints. The definition is somewhat expansive, but it allows you to control any subset of the robot.
  • To implement a controller:
$ cd <scl_base_dir>/applications_linux
$ sh <your-name-all-small-letters> <your-controller-name>
  • This will:
    1. Stash all your current code changes (you can un-stash them later by typing 'git stash pop')
    2. Create a new git branch for your controller
    3. Create a folder named 'scl_your_name_ctrl', and copy over the example controller there
    4. Rename all the files etc. from example to your controller name
    5. Compile your new controller
  • Once all that is done, your controller will be a copy of the example controller, with a few TODOs. You can fill in the TODOs according to your controller implementation.

Applying your custom controller to a robot

  • Please look at the Puma config file in your new controller folder. You will see your control task already added to the list.
  • You may create similar config files for any robot. Just copy paste the config file from '<scl_base_dir>/specs/<robot-name>/' into your directory and edit it.
$ cd scl_manips_group.git/applications_linux/scl_samir_ctrl
$ cp ../../specs/Pr2/Pr2Cfg.xml ./Pr2CfgSamirMod.xml
$ gedit ./Pr2CfgSamirMod.xml &
  • The controllers are specified with xml that is human readable so go ahead and change what you want! :-)
