
Clone wiki

scl-manips-group / docu / xml_file_spec


Scl supports multiple xml files to read in robot dynamic information and specify simulation worlds etc.

This document will outline the core supported features that are parsed by scl/parser/CSclParser.hpp

Example and Explanation

   <!-- Robot and customization -->
   <robot name="Pr2Bot">
      <spec>Pr2</spec> <!--robot spec_name (used in the file)--> 
      <file>../../specs/Pr2/Pr2.xml</file> <!--file which contains the robot(s) specifications-->

   <!--user interface specifications, how to control tasks-->
   <user_interface name = "pr2bot_hand">      
      <!-- Add a window specification -->
      <gui_graphics name="main_window">
         <window_size> 1280 800 </window_size>
         <!-- From top left of the screen: increases down/right -->
         <window_position> 0 0 </window_position>
         <type> default </type>
         <!-- Specify the graphics view to render in this gui -->
         <graphics_world> chai0 </graphics_world>
         <graphics_camera> chai0 </graphics_camera>

      <!-- Add a key-press gui specification -->
      <gui_options name="aux_window">
         <window_size> 1280 800 </window_size>
         <!-- From top left of the screen: increases down/right -->
         <window_position> 0 0 </window_position>
         <type> controller_options </type>

      <!--graphical point for mouse and keyboard-->
      <keyboard_key_set name="pr2bot_hand0">
         <robot>Pr2Bot</robot> <!--robot name-->
         <task>hand</task>     <!--task it controls-->
         <index>0</index>      <!--which set of keyboard keys-->

      <!--haptics point for haptics device-->
      <haptic_device name="pr2bot_com">
         <robot>Pr2Bot</robot> <!--robot name-->
         <task>com</task>      <!--task it controls-->
         <index>0</index>      <!--which device to use-->
         <device_id>omega6</device_id>   <!--device type-->
