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scl-manips-group / hfi / sysid

Perform System Identification for the HFI

This will require the use of two computers: beta64 and samir-gates-desktop

beta64 - This computer has the force sensor PCI card installed on it. It also has one of the necessary programs.

samir-gates-desktop - This computer has a second NIC to interface with the HFI. It has the second necessary program.

  1. Log on to each computer.
  1. Navigate to /home/hari/Code/jr3app
    • Here, you will need to run "sudo ./jr3app <logfile_name.log>"
  1. Navigate to /home/samir/Code/scl.git/applications-linux/bfr_system_id
    • Here, you will need to run "./bfr_nw_system_id <beta64 IP address> <motor number> <sysid file>"
      • beta64's IP is likely, but if not, you can run "ifconfig" on beta64. Use the IP for eth0.
  1. Ensure that you started the server program on beta64 prior to the system ID program on samir-gates-desktop.
  1. Wait for the system ID program to terminate, then use Ctrl + C to terminate the logging program on beta64.
