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scl-manips-group / install / bsoe_traj_ext


CTrajectorySpline is a class for creating splines from CTrajectory. After implementing any CTrajectory derived classes, you will need to add them to the CTrajectorySpline source code. This is simple and quick.

CTrajectory is a virtual class for creating a path between two points. Currently, CTrajectoryPoly5 and CTrajectoryOTGIV are implemented, based upon a 5th order polynomial fit and OTGIV respectively. Any primitives can be created, such as arcs, etc.

Note: OTGIV is Copyright Reflexxes GmbH. Please aquire OTGIV independently. By default, all OTGIV related code in CTrajectorySpline is commented out.


Brian S.


None. Stand alone application.


# checkout out a new or old branch
$ git checkout -b <my-fav-branch-with-gui-ext>
$ git submodule add https://<my-bitbucket-id> src/scl_ext/trajectory

Now add the CmakeLists in src/scl_ext/trajectory to the main application CMakeLists. See below.


#Include the following extension source files
#Add to the executable
add_executable(my_awesome_application ${ALL_SRC} ${TRAJ_EXT_SRC})

How to update the extensions

Navigate to the directory where you added the extension and do a git pull:

$ cd <scl-base-dir.git>
# Save all your changes (so you can get the latest submodule)
$ git stash 
# Go to the submodule dir (you have to do this to pull the submodule git repo)
$ cd src/scl_ext/trajectory
# Note that this is the submodule's origin/master branch. This will update it to the latest code.
$ git pull origin master
# Now your submodule is updated. So you have to commit the updated version to your actual scl branch.
$ cd ../../
$ git commit -a
# Now that you've got the updated submodule and committed it to your branch. Get your working code back.
$ git stash pop
