
Clone wiki

scl-manips-group / install / wiki_git_setup

How to setup the bitbucket wiki locally using git

Clone the remote repository to your local repository, in my case I clone it to the Documents directory:

cd Documents
git clone https://<your-user-name>

It will start to clone as soon as you type in your bitbucket password:

Cloning into 'wiki'...
Password for 'https://<your-user-name>': 

Annotation: Please follow the guide for setting up ssh-access to the bitbucket repository, if you do not want to always re-enter your password in the future.

The cloning process will now output something similar like this:

remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.

The clone process created a folder 'wiki':

eclipse  MATLAB  scl-manips-group  **wiki**

Last step, rename the local clone of the wiki git repository 'wiki' into something more unique like 'scl-manips-wiki.git':

mv wiki/ scl-manips-wiki.git

That's the output:

eclipse  MATLAB  scl-manips-group  scl-manips-wiki.git

You can now start editing the wiki files using gedit or vim. Follow the git guide on how to commit the files and push them to the remote repositpory
