
Clone wiki

scl-manips-group / scl_contact / GUI

(1) Copy qtgui and qcustomplot into /scl-contact/src/scl_ext

(2) Copy gui_main.cpp into application directory


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)

###########SPECIAL CODE TO FIND AND LINK QT5 LIB DIR #############

# Find includes in corresponding build directories
# Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed.

SET(QTGUI_DIR           ${SCL_BASE_DIR}src/scl_ext/qtgui)
SET(QTGUI_SRC           ${SCL_BASE_DIR}/applications-linux/<insert application directory here>l/gui_main.cpp

SET(QTCP_DIR            ${SCL_BASE_DIR}src/scl_ext/qcustomplot)
SET(QTCP_SRC            ${QTCP_DIR}/qcustomplot.cpp)

# Find the QtWidgets library
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)


################Initialize the executable#################
#Set the include directories

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_gui        ${QTGUI_SRC}

###############SPECIAL CODE TO FIND AND LINK QT WIDGET LIB DIR ##################
# Use the Widgets module from Qt 5.
#qt5_use_modules(${PROJECT_NAME} Core Widgets Gui PrintSupport OpenGL)
qt5_use_modules(${PROJECT_NAME}_gui Core Widgets Gui PrintSupport OpenGL)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_gui ${SCL_LIBRARY})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_gui ${CHAI_LIBRARY})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_gui ${DYN_LIBRARY})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_gui gomp GL GLU GLEW glut ncurses rt dl)


  • in .hpp file: public: sutil::CSharedMemory<SimulationUI, char> shmem;
  • in .cpp file:
    • in initialization list: shmem(8089, 'x')
    • in constructor:
bool flag = shmem.shmCreate();
if(false == flag) {
        throw(std::runtime_error("Simulation: Could not create shared memory"));

Set the following information during application initialization:

  • shmem.data_->robot_name_: name of the robot - used to pull information about the robot in simulation
  • shmem.data_->joint_names_: joint names of the robot - used to display joint state in Actuators window
  • shmem.data_->numDOF: number of degrees of freedom of robot - used to set up Actuators window desply
  • shmem.data_->actuator_force_maxes_: Maximum forces for each joint - used to show the percentage of the maximum force currently exerted on the joint in Actuators window
  • shmem.data_->numTasks: number of operational control tasks
  • shmem.data_->numJoints: number of joints
  • shmem.data_->task_names_: names of the operational control tasks
  • shmem.data_->kp_values_: kp values for the operational control tasks - indexes of these values correspond with index values of the task names
  • shmem.data_->kv_values_: kv values for the operational control tasks - indexes of these values correspond with index values of the task names
  • shmem.data_->ki_values_: ki values for the operational control tasks - indexes of these values correspond with index values of the task names

At the beginning of step my simulation:

while(*shmem.data_signal_ != 'g') {sleep(1);}

Set the following information in stepMySimulation():

  • shmem.data_->pos_goal: goal position
  • shmem.data_->rot_goal: goal rotation - saved as Euler angles
  • shmem.data_->vel_goal: goal velocity
  • shmem.data_->force_goal: goal force
  • shmem.data_->joint_forces_: current forces on each joint - indexes of these values correspond with index values of the joint names
  • shmem.data_->joint_positions_: current positions of each joint - indexes of these values correspond with index values of the joint names
  • shmem.data_->joint_velocities_: current velocities of each joint - indexes of these values correspond with index values of the joint names
  • shmem.data_->joint_accelerations_: : current accelerations of each joint - indexes of these values correspond with index values of the joint names
  • shmem.data_->force: current force on the end-effector with respect to the end-effector frame
  • shmem.data_->control_type_: current control type
  • shmem.data_->pos: current position of the end-effector with respect to the global frame
  • shmem.data_->rot: current rotation of the end-effector with respect to the global frame - saved as Euler angles

To fully understand how information is shared between simulation & GUI, reference this diagram: shared_memory_diagram.png

For examples of how to updated the shared memory variables, reference scl_box_gui in scl-contact branch control_analysis

make -j8 &&
cp -rf scl_box ../ &&
cp -rf scl_box_app_gui ../ &&
cd ..
