Actuator model for robots

Issue #15 new
geraldb created an issue
  1. k_p should be in actuator coordinates
  2. when trajectory is in non-task coordinates: system fails
  3. actuator should be modeled in the simulation dynamics, not in the controller

Comments (5)

  1. Samir Menon repo owner

    Robert's requirements:

    the current implementation does not allow to specify the minimum and maximum torque for each joint. A decent approach would be to allow the following specification:

    Model: torqueMin = minimumTorque + qd * torqueChangeLinear + qd^2 * torqueChangequadratic torqueMax = maximumTorque + qd * torqueChangeLinear + qd^2 * torqueChangequadratic

    Addition to the Spec File for each link: <minimumTorque> -70.0 </minimumTorque> <!--Unit: Nm--> <maximumTorque> 70.0 </maximumTorque> <!--Unit: Nm--> <torqueChangeLinear> 3.0 </torqueChangeLinear> <!--Unit: Ns--> <torqueChangeQuadratic> 2.0 </torqueChangeQuadratic> <!--Unit: Ns^2-->

  2. Robert Katzschmann

    torque limits can be found in SRobotParsedData:

      /** The actuators' max force limits */
      Eigen::VectorXd max_actuator_forces_;
      /** The actuators' min force limits */
      Eigen::VectorXd min_actuator_forces_;

    what do I need to write in the specs file to write to this variable?

  3. Samir Menon repo owner

    Reducing priority. There seems to be no immediate need apart from Muscles, which are under heavy development anyway. Moreover, muscles are a big enough issue to warrant separate attention.

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