minimum and maximum torque modeling as input in the specs file

Issue #27 duplicate
Robert Katzschmann created an issue

the current implementation does not allow to specify the minimum and maximum torque for each joint. A decent approach would be to allow the following specification:

Model: torqueMin = minimumTorque + qd * torqueChangeLinear + qd^2 * torqueChangequadratic torqueMax = maximumTorque + qd * torqueChangeLinear + qd^2 * torqueChangequadratic

Addition to the Spec File for each link: <minimumTorque> -70.0 </minimumTorque> <!--Unit: Nm--> <maximumTorque> 70.0 </maximumTorque> <!--Unit: Nm--> <torqueChangeLinear> 3.0 </torqueChangeLinear> <!--Unit: Ns--> <torqueChangeQuadratic> 2.0 </torqueChangeQuadratic> <!--Unit: Ns^2-->

scl::SGcModel and the other dynamics data classes need to get the minimum and maximum torque as data members, so they can be looked up and used for controllers and planners.

Comments (3)

  1. Samir Menon repo owner

    scl::SGcModel is the "dynamic" model in the generalized coordinates. It "only" contains information that is changing all the time.

    What you are looking for is SRobotParsedData.

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