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scl-manips-v2 / barrett / wam_mech_operation

WAM Control Computer Configuration

Make sure the wiring on the computer back panel is as shown here.


WAM Hardware/Wiring Configuration

Make sure the wiring for the WAM is as shown here, and the switch on the machine in the rightmost image is in the 'on' position.

20150401_171400.jpg 20150401_171405.jpg 20150401_192759.jpg 20150401_192724.jpg rsz_1rsz_20150407_181401.jpg

First, second and fourth pictures : rear side of the robot, Third picture : left side of the robot, Fifth picture : right side of the robot.

Instructions to Run an Example Program

Note that throughout this procedure, only the left panel in the below image (panel with the shift/idle/reset buttons) needs to be handled.

1. Switch on the power strip.


2. Make sure that the red power knob on the panel is not pressed. If it is, rotate clockwise in order to reset. Pushing down on this knob is the emergency kill switch. Make sure also that all lights are in either the "OK" or "Warning" columns, never the "Fault" column.


3. Run an example program by opening a terminal window and executing the following steps. Replace [name of example program] with the desired program name (omitting the extension).

cd libbarrett

cmake .

make -j

cd examples

make -j

./[name of example program]

4. Once an example program begins to run, follow the specified instructions regarding idling, activating, and resetting the robot in the order that the program specifies.

In order to idle the robot, hold down "shift" button and press the "idle" button.


In order to activate the robot, hold down the "shift" button and press the "activate" button.


In order to reset the robot to the home position, align all of the joints as shown below. In particular ensure that sixth and seventh joints are aligned exactly as shown the the below photos. Also note that the defined home position is [0, -2, 0, 3.13, 0, 0, 0], rather than [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].


20150401_184528.jpg 20150401_184519.jpg
