
Clone wiki

scl-manips-v2 / debug / robot_gc_id

Identifying joint ids in any q_,dq_,ddq_,Fgc etc. vector

  • SCL maintains an autogenerated vector position id for each gc dof, which is kept in each rigid body.
SRigidBody *tmp_rb = robot_ds->;
std::cout<<"\nThe link "<<link_name<<"'s scl gc id is :"<<tmp_rb->link_id_;
  • Any numeric id system in any dynamics subsystem *MUST match scl's numeric link id*.
  • In addition, the dynamics engine may maintain a separate id system. SCL is agnostic to this scheme, and translates using a const void*. Eg.
const void* dyn_id = dynamics_->getIdForLink(link_name);
