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scl-manips-v2 / kinova / operation

Setting up the Kinova

  1. Plug in the power cable and plug the USB cable into a port on your computer.
  2. Switch the robot on, and make sure that the lights on the joystick turn on and stop flashing before running any code on the robot.

Running an Example Program

  1. Clone the example programs repository: git clone
  2. Type sh
  3. Run an executable with ./[name_of_executable]. For instance, ./kinova-driver

Note that when using the ./kinova-driver program, you must set the options flag via REDIS first:

  1. Open a terminal and type redis-cli.
  2. Type SET OptionCode 0 or SET OptionCode 1 or SET OptionCode 2 depending on which type of control you would like to do (see comments in source file SCL-redis-kinova-torque-interface.cpp for descriptions of each option).

Generating Parameters for Internal Gravity Compensation

The Kinova API offers the ability to do gravity compensation. To get this working, run ZEstimation.cpp to generate a set of parameters (dumped out into ParametersOptimal_Z.txt). Set these parameters in your code by placing them in a float array and calling SetGravityOptimalZParam on the float array. An example of this is provided in Minimal_Torque_Control_Example.cpp.
