relion_reconstruct error when creating 3-D CTF model for subtomo averaging

Issue #53 resolved
Lu Gan created an issue

When running the script "" (created by the script ""), I get the following error:

 + Assuming zero beamtilt
 + Back-projecting all images ...
000/??? sec ~~(,_,">                                                          [oo]in: /home/dbsganl/linux/relion-3.0_beta/src/image.h, line 409
=== Backtrace  ===
relion_reconstruct(_ZN11RelionErrorC1ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES7_l+0x6d) [0x44b9bd]
relion_reconstruct(_ZN5ImageIdE4readERK8FileNameblbb+0x1ab) [0x46ee2b]
relion_reconstruct(_ZN13Reconstructor22backprojectOneParticleEl+0x483) [0x45d783]
relion_reconstruct(_ZN13Reconstructor11backprojectEii+0x94c) [0x46080c]
relion_reconstruct(_ZN13Reconstructor3runEv+0x30) [0x461f60]
relion_reconstruct(main+0x44) [0x414cd4]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x2b048f954830]
relion_reconstruct(_start+0x29) [0x4153a9]
ERROR: trying to read image with empty file name!

The contents of the "" are:

relion_reconstruct --i Particles/Tomograms/tomo001/ --o Particles/Tomograms/tomo001/tomo001_ctf.mrc --reconstruct_ctf $1 --angpix 7.10

This error message appears with RELION 3.0-beta-2. The command runs successfully with the RELION 2.1 version of relion_reconstruct. The output from RELION 2.1's 3-D CTF model can be used in RELION 3.0-beta-2.

Comments (3)

  1. Lu Gan reporter

    The updated relion_reconstruct now creates the CTF model file. Thanks! There is a small change in the RELION-3.0 CTF model, which has a weight of 0 at the origin. In the RELION-2.1 CTF model, the origin has a weight close to 1. I don't know if this origin term will have noticeable consequences, but will let you know if it does.

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