ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1] Message: Vorzeitiges Dateiende.

Issue #1 closed
Former user created an issue

I am having issues to connect to a chat server using Babbler. It's working flawless with smack so I am not sure what went wrong or where I made a mistake.

After my session is configured the following error is thrown. ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1] Message: Vorzeitiges Dateiende.

Attached is a java file with my code.

Comments (8)

  1. Christian Schudt repo owner

    Provide a TcpConnection constructor to pass a SocketFactory. Fixes Issue #1

    • Make the default BOSH port 5280
    • Create dummy fallback connections, if no connections were provided to the XMPP session.

    → <<cset dfa47c0a6231>>

  2. Christian Schudt repo owner

    Thanks for reporting. The issue was that you connect on port 5223 and assume that communication is SSL secured right from the beginning, i.e. before sending the opening stream header. I think this behavior is not encouraged (anymore?) by the XMPP spec. Usually it always starts with an unencrypted socket on port 5222 and then TLS is negotiated in the process (i.e. it switches to a secured socket later). You can now pass a SocketFactory to TcpConnection in order to provide an SSLSocket right from the beginning.

    I've uploaded babbler-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar if you want to test.

  3. Kilian Brachtendorf

    Thank you it is working now. Is there another way to get in touch with you if I have a small question? I don't want to open issues for mistakes I made. I already added you on icq earlier this week.

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