MessageDeliveryReceiptsManager sends message receipts with wrong type

Issue #133 closed
Vitaly Takmazov created an issue

Comments (5)

  1. Christian Schudt repo owner

    The type is not specfied in XEP-0184. I think I even brought this up in the XMPP mailing list.

    There's only one example, which lacks the type completly, meaning it is implicitly type "normal".

  2. Vitaly Takmazov reporter

    Agreed about XEP should be clarified, but normal messages are very rare used in XMPP-IM and existing IM clients often show completely different UI for normal messages and may be confused with changed type.

  3. Christian Schudt repo owner

    Convinced me. XEP-0184 has a subtle hint, too:

    the sender would receive one ack message from each occupant of the room

    implies that ack message are of type="groupchat"

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