WORA Issue: com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory

Issue #31 closed
Markus KARG created an issue

Babbler references the class com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory, which not necessarily exists in any JRE, as it is not part of the Java SE standard. As a consequence it might happen that Babbler will fail to work on non-Oracle JREs. While this is acceptable for pre-10 releases, post-1.0 releases should address this issue.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian Schudt repo owner

    Add a minimalistic DNS client, which can resolve SRV and TXT records.

    This allows us to get rid of the com.sun.jndi.dns dependency, so that the library can run in JDKs other than Oracle's.

    It uses Google's DNS service at

    Fixes issue #31

    → <<cset d3d4683bceeb>>

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