Misleading docs for TruncatedBinaryExponentialBackoffStrategy

Issue #67 closed
Markus KARG created an issue

Docs of both TruncatedBinaryExponentialBackoffStrategy#getNextReconnectionAttempt() and ReconnectionManager say that the intervals end at 60, 180, etc. Actually this is incorrect: As the unit test TruncatedBinaryExponentialBackoffStrategyTest proofs the intervals are exclusive-end, so the actual ends are 59, 179, etc.

This is misleading. The docs should get improved to be clear.

I could send a PR but just wanted to ask whether this really is a doc bug, or whether the implementation / test is wrong (and SHOULD provide 60, 180, etc. actually)?

(Version is 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT, but Bitbucket does not allow me to type that into version field)

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