Multiyear patch reports

Issue #400 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Adam.

I've been using Scythebill for a couple of years now and I'm finding it very usable and provides most of the data that I like to create. However, there is one thing that I am finding missing from my spreadsheet days and that is a patch/county/country list providing successive years data, which shows at a glace how the species list has changed over the years. eBird do something similar but this only covers a maximum one year time period. The way around it that I have used is to create individual year patch reports then amalgamate them into one spreadsheet, but this is very messy and time consuming. Is this something that you could look at for the future. I have attached snapshot of one of my spreadsheet as an example.


Michael Maltby

Comments (1)

  1. Adam Winer

    Issue #400: Multiyear patch reports

    Resolve issue 400, with a "Year comparisons" feature to generate a spreadsheet showing first-in-year, last-in-year, and total encounter numbers for each species.

    I think it still needs a bit of work for choosing a sub-range of years?

    → <<cset 775d12e40081>>

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