Add Sighting... in Browse by species resets the species list scrolling position

Issue #449 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

To repro:

  1. Go to Browse by species
  2. Go to a large family, and scroll down the species list
  3. Select a species and click “Add sighting…”

The species list jumps to the top - it should not!

Comments (2)

  1. Adam Winer reporter

    As best I can tell, this only happens for species with no (visible) subspecies (so if showing “species only” it happens for everything).

  2. Adam Winer reporter

    Resolve Issue #449: Add Sighting... in Browse by species resets the species list scrolling position

    Probably reset scrolling positions in some other places too (add sightings in Browse by location?).

    The change to probably also made navigation in Browse by species faster.

    → <<cset b2f3b9d6b796>>

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