Support a preference to choose an explicit locale

Issue #530 resolved
Adam Winer created an issue

Handy for my testing, and there are users whose default system locale doesn’t match how they want to handle birding.

Comments (3)

  1. scythebill repo owner

    Resolved Issue #530: Support a preference to choose an explicit locale

    Requires a restart to take effect. (Most of getting the local in place immediately is easy, but system menus and the taxonomy chooser are slightly more annoying. Took the easy way out.)

    → <<cset 6d82fa9c2f17>>

  2. scythebill repo owner

    Fix Issue #530 when the chosen locale is English. I misunderstood how locale inheritence works when there's a miss on an explicit locale - it actually reverts to system locale before using the default resource bundle.

    → <<cset 51032355a96e>>

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