
SeanB Reopen all files (untested)

Created by SeanB

File ReopenAll.pkg Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+Use cApplication.pkg
+Procedure ReopenAll Integer hWorkspace 
+    //first we need to reset the workspace. this can be different 
+    //for clubwise because we do not use standard workspace objects. 
+    //And we're still on 11. try it though.
+    Set psDataPath of hWorkspace to "c:\new\data"
+    Set psFileList of hWorkspace to "c:\new\data\filelist.cfg"
+    Send DoSetPaths to hWorkspace 
+    //next we need to close all open files - get list with DF_FILE_NEXT_OPENED
+    Move 0 To hTable
+    Repeat
+        Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NEXT_OPENED of hTable to hTable
+        If (hTable > 0) Begin
+            Close hTable 
+            Open hTable 
+        End
+    Until (hTable = 0)
+//Junior - If this does not work, you can try using OPEN AS to open the files 
+Procedure ReopenAll 
+    String sFolder 
+    Move "c:\new\" to sFolder    
+    //next we need to close all open files - get list with DF_FILE_NEXT_OPENED
+    Move 0 to hTable
+    Repeat
+        Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NEXT_OPENED of hTable to hTable
+        If (hTable > 0) Begin
+            Get_Attribute DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME of hTable to sRoot
+            Close hTable 
+            Open (sFolder+sRoot+".int") as hTable 
+        End
+    Until (hTable = 0)
+//I've not tried any of these out - or even compiled, but see if they work for you. 

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