
SeanB Dataflex - Split String to an array

Created by SeanB

File SplitToArray.pkg Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+Function SplitToArray Global String sVal String sChar Returns String[]
+    String[] astVal
+    String sHold
+    Integer iCount
+    Integer iPos 
+    Integer iBreak
+    Integer iMax 
+    Move (Length(sVal)) to iMax 
+    Move (Length(sChar)) to iBreak 
+    Move 0 to iCount 
+    Repeat 
+        Move (Pos(sChar,sVal)) to iPos
+        If (iPos<>0) Begin 
+            Move (Left(sVal,iPos-1)) to astVal[iCount]
+            Move (Mid(sVal,iMax,(iPos+iBreak))) to sVal 
+        End
+        Else Begin 
+            Move sVal to astVal[iCount]
+        End
+        Increment iCount
+    Until (iPos=0)
+    Function_Return astVal
+End_Function // Split

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