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CyToStruct / Path navigation idiosyncrasies

Path navigation idiosyncrasies

On some systems and for some viewers both absolute and relative paths can be hard to set correctly.
For instance, we saw issues with quoted paths on a Windows machine for a folder containing spaces and/or unicode characters and trying to load files from it in Chimera.

If possible, the user ought to refrain from directing the viewers to such directories. We also encourage the use of shortcuts or soft links to make the path more plausible.
If it is absolutely necessary then we find it easier to work with script version, even when just one command is issued.
Here is an example of a script for Chimera that works with folders such as c:\Folder With Spaces and Юникод\:

    appCaption: "Open in Chimera"
    appBinary: "chimera --debug"
    appContext: node 
    suffix: cmd
    scriptLines: |
        cd %dir%
        background solid white
        open %node%.ent
    type: script 
The %dir% variable is unquoted inside the scriptLines and will be handled correctly.
For a sub-directory we should use in scriptLines: cd %dir%\sub_dir\even_deeper
Quoting this string disagrees with Chimera (at least).
