Access violation in TRttiPropertyExtension

Issue #15 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm playing with DSharp - TScreen and These things. I always use FastMM to check for Memory leaks and corruptions in my development process.

But now I found a AV-Exception in class destructor of TRttiPropertyExtension, which is use indirectly by TScreen.

I attached a very simple sample-Project.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Thanks for reporting. I will look into it. But TRttiPropertyExtension is something that has to be redesigned anyway because currently its implementation is one big hack (and not usable on any platform except windows because of Windows API usage).

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    it would be nice if the error would be eliminated first, so that I can use the framework as a whole without an av at the program end

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Remove the FRegister.Free; call from the class destructor to avoid the AV. Yes this will cause a memory leak but hey the application is shutting down at this point anyway.

    I looked into it and as I said it has to be redesigned because this error is because of this huge hack to access private virtual methods from the Rtti.pas.

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