Delphi 10 Seattle

Issue #133 closed
Gernot Baecker created an issue


I try to compile the develop branch for Delphi 10 Seattle but get lots of errors. Only Win32 and Win64 compile. I attach the logs for your reference.

Many thanks for your great work

Kind regards Gernot

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    The compile errors you saw were only in the tests - it should not have affected the library code. The error you will still be seeing is a known issue and documented. Also it is just related to the unit tests. If you don't like that you can remove the tests project from the project group.

  2. Gernot Baecker reporter

    Good morning Stefan,

    the issue is not completely resolved. Please find attached the 4 log files. All 4 were done with the latest develop branch and with "Run Tests" unselected, Debug configuration. Win32/64 and OSX in a seperate run were without issues. of the remaining 4 IOSsimulator had no errors but iOS32/64 and Android look like they try to run the tests despite test being deselected.

    Many thanks for looking into this.

    Herzliche Grüsse aus Lörrach gernot

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    The checkbox only means that the tests are being executed after being compiled. The groupproj is being compiled nevertheless. As I wrote previously if you don't want that you need to remove the tests project from the project group.

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