Oracle support fot clob and nclob. Currently FireDAC throws an error when a string is larger than 1000

Issue #141 resolved
Todd Flora created an issue

When a large string is inserted or updated into an oracle clob or nclob field FireDAC will throw an exception if the FDparams data type is not set to ftwidememo.


The FireDAC docs suggest using ftwidememo for clob/nclob param types which works fine in our current implementation. See the Oracle section under Result Set Fields chart on this page Unicode Support Firedac

Currently there is no indicater on the column attribute to differentiate a varchar2 from a clob/nclob type. Also the Spring.Persistence.SQL.Params.TDBParam class has a method to convert the TValue.PTypeInfo to a db field type but does not take into consideration the length of a string and therefore always returns ftWidestring. This is found in the method TypeInfoToFieldType(typeInfo : PTypeInfo): TFieldType;

I have created a test under the TestFireDacAdapterOracle.pas unit Attached, If you run this test against an Oracle database it will fail with the above error.

BTW: Setting TFDParam.Size to a greater value does not work as the size can be only so big, and then another exception occurs. The solution to this that has worked for us is to use ftWideMemo on these large String types.

Comments (18)

  1. Todd Flora reporter

    To get this to work:

    This test should added to the ORMTests project.

    A valid Oracle Database must be available

    Edit the CONNECTION_STRING const at the top of the file to provide your TNSNames value in Database, also provide your user_name and password values.

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    I pushed a proposal to the branch issue/141 - please take a look and let me know if that works.

    I also looked into the Hibernate doc and found they have a Lob attribute that you can put on properties that should be handled as blob/clob then. So instead of checking the Size we can also add such attribute and check for its occurence instead of putting yet another parameter on the Column attribute.

  3. Todd Flora reporter

    OK at the risk of being rejected again, Here is another suggested solution. :) BTW I knew you weren't going to like my mmAnywhereIgnoreCase solution. LOL.

    Instead of passing in just the pTypeInfo to the TDBParam.TypeInfoToFieldType method the entire TValue is passed.

    function TDBParam.TypeInfoToFieldType(Value: TValue): TFieldType;
      function GetMemberValueDeep(const initialValue: TValue): TValue;  <-- NEED This method but since it is no longer exposed I just copied it here for now. I leave that to you to decide.
        Result := initialValue;
        if IsNullable(Result.TypeInfo) then
          if not initialValue.TryGetNullableValue(Result) then
            Result := TValue.Empty;
        else if IsLazyType(Result.TypeInfo) then
          if not initialValue.TryGetLazyValue(Result) then
            Result := TValue.Empty;
      typeInfo : PTypeInfo;
      typeInfo := Value.TypeInfo;
      if not Assigned(typeInfo) then
      case typeInfo.Kind of
        tkInteger, tkSet: Result := ftInteger;
        tkInt64: Result := ftLargeint;
        tkChar, tkLString, tkString: Result := ftString;
        tkWChar, tkWString, tkUString: Result := ftWideString;
          if typeInfo = System.TypeInfo(Boolean) then
            Result := ftBoolean
            Result := ftInteger;
          if typeInfo = System.TypeInfo(TDateTime) then
            Result := ftDateTime
          else if typeInfo = System.TypeInfo(TDate) then
            Result := ftDate
          else if typeInfo = System.TypeInfo(TTime) then
            Result := ftTime
          else if typeInfo = System.TypeInfo(Currency) then
            Result := ftCurrency
          else if typeInfo = System.TypeInfo(Extended) then
            Result := TFieldType.ftExtended
            Result := ftFloat;
        tkClass, tkArray, tkInterface, tkDynArray: Result := ftBlob;
        tkVariant: Result := ftVariant;
          if IsNullable(typeInfo) or IsLazyType(TypeInfo) then
            Result := TypeInfoToFieldType(GetMemberValueDeep(Value))
            Result := ftBlob;
        tkClassRef, tkPointer: Result := ftReference;
        Result := ftUnknown;

    Now that we have the TValue and can ask for it as a string, the TOracleDBParam.TypeInfoToFieldType method can check the length of the value and return ftWideMemo appropriately

    function TOracleDBParam.TypeInfoToFieldType(Value : TValue): TFieldType;
      Result := inherited TypeInfoToFieldType(Value);
      if assigned(Value.TypeInfo) then
        case Value.TypeInfo.Kind of
          tkClass, tkArray, tkDynArray, tkInterface:
            Result := ftOraBlob;
            {Hard Oracle VarChar2 Limit of 4000 Bytes,
              For Ansi String LString, this corresponds to 4000 characters}
            if Value.ToString.Length > 4000 then
              Result := ftWideMemo
          tkWString, tkUString:
            {Hard Oracle VarChar2 Limit of 4000 Bytes,
              for Wide and Unicode Strings this corresponds to 2000 characters}
            if Value.ToString.Length > 2000 then
              Result := ftWideMemo

    What do you think (wince)

  4. Todd Flora reporter

    Sorry I did not see your post before I posted my simplistic solution. I will take a look at this. Yes I like the idea of a LOB attribute, just as long as we can make it work for the appropriate database, as Oracle has special ftOraBlob and ftOraClob types in the DB unit.

  5. Todd Flora reporter

    Wow yours is so much simpler than mine. I think your proposal will work. I will try it. Although it should not set the limit to the FireDac limit, but to the oracle limit IMO as I believe that TFDParam.Size can be increased until you get to the oracle limit.

  6. Todd Flora reporter

    ALSO another BTW on this is that the LAZY Record type is not being handled in this method. I added this to my solution above.

  7. Todd Flora reporter

    Sorry, didn't work at first, but I did not totally get what you were doing. I see now that you are depending on the column definition, defined by the developer to determine if the type should be a WideMemo. I also had a suggestion from one of our rocket scientist developers, that we could use WideString as the field definition and then in the OracleDBParam do the following

    OracleDBParam.TypeInfoToFieldType(Value : TValue): TFieldType;
      Result := inherited TypeInfoToFieldType(Value);
      if assigned(Value.TypeInfo) then
        case Value.TypeInfo.Kind of
          tkClass, tkArray, tkDynArray, tkInterface:
            Result := ftOraBlob;
            Result := ftWideMemo

    This of course will work for later version of XE when String was maped to ftUString and not ftWString.

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