Error in Spring.Persistence.Core.ValueConverters for Delphi XE2

Issue #145 resolved
Enes KÖROĞLU created an issue

In (implementation) uses clause there is definition like below.

uses {$IF Defined(DELPHIXE2_UP) AND NOT Defined(NEXTGEN)} AnsiStrings, {$ELSE} SysUtils,

In DELPHIXE2_UP defined as: "Defined when compiling with Delphi XE2 for Win32 or higher"

DELPHI16_UP Defined when compiling with Delphi XE2 for Win32 or higher DELPHIXE2_UP Alias for DELPHI16_UP

In "FindGraphicClass" below line raises Undeclared identifier StrLComp because there is not a function in AnsiStrings as StrLComp in XE2, it is in sysutils (

else if {$IFDEF DELPHIXE2_UPx}AnsiStrings.{$ENDIF}StrLComp(PAnsiChar(@Buffer), 'GIF', 3) = 0 then

Comments (9)

  1. Enes KÖROĞLU reporter

    I'm using "release/1.2" version not develop version (to be able to use marshmallow orm)

    Is there a better solution including Marshmallow and Spring?

    And is there any startup document for Marshmallow?

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    "I'm using "release/1.2" version not develop version (to be able to use marshmallow orm)"

    I know but that is how the 1.2 version is called in the issue tracker at the moment.

    "Is there a better solution including Marshmallow and Spring?"

    Marshmallow is already included in Spring4D with the currently developed version (release/1.2)

    "And is there any startup document for Marshmallow?" but it might be a bit out of date.

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