Problems with data paged in FirebirdSQL

Issue #152 resolved
Ezequiel Juliano Müller created an issue

I'm using FirebirdSQL database. When I try to run a test with paginated data for example:

Result := criteria.Page(1, 10).Items;

Firebird returns me the following error:

'[FireDAC][Phys][FB]Invalid parameter to SKIP. Only integers >= 0 are allowed.'.

The problem seems to be in the following code snippet:

unit Spring.Persistence.Core.Base;

function TPager.BuildSQL(const sql: string): string;
  offset: Integer;
  offset := 0;
  if fPageIndex > 1 then
    offset := (fPageIndex - 1) * fPageSize;
  Result := fGenerator.GeneratePagedQuery(sql, fPageSize, offset);

In this case, the Index is 1 and the offset is a value of 0 and that causes an error in Firebird.

Comments (9)

  1. Ezequiel Juliano Müller reporter

    I'm with the configured generator class:

    procedure TDALConnection.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
      fAdapter := TFireDACConnectionAdapter.Create(FDConnection);
      fAdapter.AutoFreeConnection := False;
      fAdapter.QueryLanguage := qlFirebird;

    If I do that way it works:

    Result := criteria.Page(2,10).Items;

    What I'm not getting is to bring only one record.

  2. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Please check that it runs through TFirebirdSQLGenerator.GeneratePagedQuery because that generates a different statement that what you posted causes the error. and according to the QueryLanguage you selected it should use that sql generator.

  3. Ezequiel Juliano Müller reporter

    Yes it is going through TFirebirdSQLGenerator.GeneratePagedQuery.

    The process is this so realized...

    I'm calling the following method:


    When called the criteria it comes to:


    Here he comes:


  4. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    From looking through the Firebird docs it looks like we have an off-by-one error here and it should say ROWS 1 to 10:

    ROWS <m> [TO <n>]

    Points to note when using two arguments:

    • If m > the total number of rows in the dataset, an empty set is returned.
    • If m lies within the set but n doesn't, the rows from m to the end of the set are returned.
    • If m < 1 or n < 1, an error is raised.
    • If n = m-1, an empty set is returned.
    • If n < m-1, an error is raised.
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