Wrong typecast in TMethodInvocations.TMethodInfo.Create() may cause EInvalidOpException

Issue #167 resolved
Joachim Marder created an issue

Can be reproduced in 64Bit build that are using more than 4GB RAM and so have pointer addresses larger than 2^32.

exception class : EInvalidOpException exception message : No type information found. line 305 in Spring.Events TMethodInvocations.TMethodInfo.Create

Cause: line 288 in Spring.Events TMethodInvocations.TMethodInfo.Create Cast of P:PByte should be to NativeUInt, not Cardinal.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Thanks for finding and reporting.

    FWIW I just looked into System.ObjAuto and it seems its wrong there as well - you might report this to Embarcadero.

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