SHA512 sum incorrect for some files

Issue #303 resolved
Nils Achterholt (Gloegg) created an issue

I discovered, that the calculated SHA512 sum is not correct for some files. I attached a file (test_73.txt) for which this is the case and the output of the linux CLI tool "sha512sum"

This is the source code I used to check the files.

procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  h, h_correct : string;
  sha : TSHA512;
  sha := TSHA512.Create;
  h := sha.ComputeHashOfFile('test_73.txt').ToHexString.ToLower;
  h_correct := TFile.ReadAllText('test_73.txt.sha512').Substring(0,128);
  if h <> h_correct then
    showMessage('incorrect hash');

I am on Delphi Tokyo 10.2.3.

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