Problem with TObjectDataSet Locate method

Issue #396 resolved
Adam Siwoń created an issue


I found the problem with using TObjectDataSet.Locate method. According to: I expect to Locate allows to move cursor to the first dataset's row matching a specified set of search criteria. For TObjectDataSet.Locate it is not always true. Lets consider following simple dataset:

Id MasterId Value
1 10 abc
2 10 def
3 10 ghi

If the cursor is on the third row then I expect that calling command: DataSet.Locate('MasterId', 10, []) will move the cursor to the first row because first row matches search criteria. But for TObjectDataSet the cursor stays on 3. row. It causes some problems with db-aware controls which expects that Locate will find the first row matching a search criteria. In my case it is details panel of TcxGrid (from DevExpress)

The problem occurs because in DataSetLocateThrough function (which is used in Locate function) one shortcut is made:

  Fields := TObjectList{$IFDEF DELPHIXE3_UP}<TField>{$ENDIF}.Create(False);
    DataSet.GetFieldList(Fields, KeyFields);
    FieldCount := Fields.Count;
// this shortcut causes unexpected result for Locate function
    Result := CompareRecord;
    if Result then
// end of the problematic code
      Bookmark := DataSet.Bookmark;
        while not DataSet.Eof do
          Result := CompareRecord;
          if Result then

In the shortcut the function checks the current row matches a search criteria and if matches cursor stays on the current row.
The shortcut speeds up function's excecution but in some cases it causes to unexpected behaviour. I think this shortcut should be removed. Could you consider this, please?

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