Basic crossplatform support (DI/ioc only)

Issue #5 resolved
Aleksey Timohin created an issue

Please, add crossplatform platform support. If it's possible. Is it?

Comments (9)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    @tdelphi Feel free to test the changes in that branch and give us feedback. Unfortunatly the generic events are not working on mobile because of the handwritten assembly code. But most from base and core should work.

  2. Honza Rameš

    Basic functionality for NextGen should be supported from now on. Tested platforms are Android, MacOS, iOS Simulator. iOS Device is currently not tested since I'm waiting for a Mac and I will test it as soon as I get it.

    Some portions of the framework are not supported like generic events since it requires some binary hacking or support in System.Rtti and Ansi/Wide string that are no longer supported by Delphi (well by default). Pooled manager is marked as experimental, we decided it is a minor problem and that some other stuff need more urgent work at this time.

    We will be adding other stuff in time, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. If possible test cases are welcome.

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