Sequence value is looked up but the Parameter Value for Sequence is never set into the insert params

Issue #63 closed
Todd Flora created an issue

When the [Sequence] attribute is used the code is getting the next sequence and setting it into the ID Column of the entity correctly, but the Parameters set on the insert statement do not include this value.

After researching the code it seems that the Parameter list is being built before the Sequence value is retrieved in the Spring.Persistence.SQL.Commands.Insert.TInsertExecutor.Execute method

procedure TInsertExecutor.Execute(const entityWrapper: IEntityWrapper);
  statement: IDBStatement;
  resultSet: IDBResultSet;
  queryText: string;
  value: TValue;
  if EntityData.HasVersionColumn then
    entityWrapper.SetColumnValue(EntityData.VersionColumn, 0);

  value := GetAutogeneratedPrimaryKeyValue(entityWrapper);
  if not value.IsEmpty then

Moving the call to BuildParams below the call to entityWrapper.SetPrimakyKeyValue seems to resolve the issue.

procedure TInsertExecutor.Execute(const entityWrapper: IEntityWrapper);
  statement: IDBStatement;
  resultSet: IDBResultSet;
  queryText: string;
  value: TValue;
//  BuildParams(entityWrapper.GetEntity); {<-Move this Line Down}
  if EntityData.HasVersionColumn then
    entityWrapper.SetColumnValue(EntityData.VersionColumn, 0);

  value := GetAutogeneratedPrimaryKeyValue(entityWrapper);
  if not value.IsEmpty then
  BuildParams(entityWrapper.GetEntity); {<--Inserted Here after the call to GetAutoGen and setting value into Entity}

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