A Missing File error occurs when attempting to build ORMTests in XE5

Issue #67 closed
Todd Flora created an issue

The following error occurs when attempting to build ormTests.DelphiXE.dpr from the Marhsmallow tests project. I am using XE5.

[dcc32 Fatal Error] TestSession.pas(19): F1026 File not found: 'D:\Dev\Code\prototypes\External\spring4d\Marshmallow\External\uib\Source\Spring.TestUtils.dcu'

I found the files they are in the Spring Tests folder. I added the following Search Path entries to the ORMTests project options. ..\..\Tests;..\..\Tests\Source;

Should these be added to the project?

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner
    • changed milestone to 1.2
    • marked as minor

    Everything in the Marshmallow folder is still WIP so consider this as fixed when we will release.

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